Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Searching - The Nexus

Section 2
Part 3
The Nexus

Robyn looked at Aria with a huge grin and said, “Well, what do you think?”

At first Aria could only stare around her in wonder, but she finally got her wits together enough to say, “What is this place? Where have you brought me?”

“We call this the Nexus. It’s a place for the magical creatures of the city to gather, exchange information, and trade.” Robyn replied.

“Um, isn’t that the function the park serves?” Aria asked, confused.

Robyn snorted. “Supposedly. From what I understand, when the large cities first started to form, our people went into the parks because it felt safe, and familiar. From your reactions and others I’ve seen, I guess it still does to outsiders, but times have changed for many of us. Take me, I was born here and I’ve never actually been outside of the city.” He gestured around the room with a sweep of his arm, “Most of these people are just like me. The old ways just don’t make sense in our world any more. I guess it works for the old folks, but we’re creating our magical world, right here, and it works better for us.”

“You know that I’m from the forest, why do you think the Nexus would be better for me?” Aria asked, still confused. “I mean, all of this is so foreign to me.”

“Maybe, but think of this, who do you really thinks understand the city better? Those of us who are actively living in it, forming our lives around it, or the old folks who still prefer the old ways? Who do you really think is going to be able to help you more?” Robyn folded his arms across his chest, still cocky, but obviously a bit defiant as well.

Aria was hesitant. She looked around her again at the strange hustle and bustle. Robyn did have a point, it seemed like the people associated with this “Nexus” were more in touch with what was really going on, but it felt a little like turning her back on what she grew up with. Still, there weren’t very many rules about how she went about her quest. She could solicit help, as long as no one directly interfered with the human she was trying to help, but advice, information, background support, all that was fine. Other than that it was pretty much up to her how she went about things. So, with a small sigh, Aria finally said, “Ok, so where should I start?”

Monday, November 15, 2010

Searching - Strange Sights

Section 2
Part 2
Strange Sights

Robyn flew fast, but Aria had always been an agile flyer, so she was able to follow close behind. The biggest problem was that she kept getting distracted by all the amazing things she’d never seen before! She was quickly learning that her previous trip to the city had only shown her a tiny glimpse of what to expect, and really hadn’t prepared her for her quest as well as she thought.

Aria felt a little overwhelmed as they wove through all the different buildings. She was used to the only tall objects in the sky being trees or mountains.  These looked nothing like that. There were some that reached for the sky, just like a tree, but much taller. Others we’re shorter, almost squat, like the foot hills around a mountain.

Before long they reached a grouping of buildings that was even stranger than what she had seen so far.  The main building wasn’t very tall compared to some of the others, but it seemed to go on forever! Plus there were those metal things that humans like to ride in, they looked so confining compared to flight, and they seemed to surround the building.

Aria was surprised to realize that Robyn was flying straight towards this strange building. She had to follow even closer as he swooped down, through strange glass doors, and wove in among the people. Aria nearly lost Robyn as he darted this way and that, everything was so overwhelming!

Finally the swooped through one last set of doors and came to a place where there were no humans, only fairies and other magical beings.  It was almost a relief after all the strange sights Aria had just witnessed, but there were still so many strange things in this large room!

There were monstrous shelves everywhere, and items of fabric were piled high as far as the eye could see.  Looking closer Aria realized that even the magical beings looked far different from what she was used to. She didn’t know much about other magical beings, but she knew enough to know that they weren’t dressed at all like what she’d expect. The fairies were the strangest of all. Instead of the dark woodland colors that she was used to, they wore bright outfits, often in colors that would be found nowhere in nature.

What had she gotten herself into?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Searching - Robyn

Section 2
Part 1

Despite the wide range of advice Aria had received at her going away party, the one thing that every fairy had recommended was that she introduce herself to the local magical beings as soon as she arrived. Many fairies and other creatures had adapted to life in the cities, strange though it seemed to those who followed the old ways, and they would be able to help guide her on her quest. They would also help be able to help her with mundane things like finding a place to stay.

Finding a host family was really the first part of the challenge. Many young fairies stuck with their own kind, already unnerved by all the strangeness in the city, but many other creatures we’re willing to host a young fairy.  Aria’s brother Daffyd had chosen to stay with a family of goblins, and he claimed that the experience had broadened his view of the world. Aria wasn’t sure she wanted to stay with goblins though, the stories Daffyd had told of their eating habits had been vivid, and Aria didn’t think she would be able to stomach it. She was willing to try new experiences though.

The buildings in the city were just as tall and strange as Aria remembered. She flew along, peering into windows, and looking for signs of a helpful face to help her find a local park. The greatest concentration of magical beings would be there, where the connection to the earth’s magic was strongest, and that’s where she was likely to find the most help.

Aria paused to look through the windows of a building full of clothing. There we’re long shelves piled high with clothing, and metal trees with shirts and dresses hanging off them like over-sized leaves.  She’d never seen anything like this on her last trip to the city! They’d flown in high and gone straight to one of the parks, never venturing very far from the familiarity of the trees.  Lost in wonder, Aria never noticed the fairy that was watching her until he spoke.

“Hey there. New in town are you?” He said in a jaunty voice.

Whirling around Aria found herself looking at a young fairy, looking to be about her age, with eyes that sparkled in the sun and streaks of blue in his jet black hair. Caught off guard she stuttered a little as she responded, “Y-y-y-yes. That is. I’ve been here before, but it was just a short trip.”

“On your own then on this trip?” He asked.


“You’d be on your quest then right?”

“Is it that obvious?” Aria asked wryly.

“Well let’s see, you’re dressed like you came straight from the woods,” with this Aria looked down at herself and wondered what was wrong with her clothes, “and you’ve obviously never seen a department store before. So yes, I’d say it’s pretty obvious.

“I guess you’re right.” Aria said a little self-depreciatingly. “Well, um, would mind guiding me to a nearby park?”

“I could, but that’s not where the fun’s at.”

“I’m not here for fun; I’m here on my quest.”

“Yeah, I know, but if you want the people who can help you the most, you’ll come with me. Name’s Robyn by the way.”

“I’m Aria.” She thought for a minute. Staring at him and quite frankly evaluating what she saw. He was a bit of rogue, that was obvious from his grin, but he seemed to sincerely believe that her best chances were with him. Oh well, it couldn’t hurt to go with him for a little while, if it didn’t work out she could still look for a park.

“Alright. Where are we going then?”

“You’ll see when we get there,” Robyn replied with a grin, and as he started flying backwards. “Come on!”